
Neurofeedback Brain Training


Neurofeedback services offered in Eagle Mountain Lake, Fort Worth, TX

DFW Spine Joint and Pain offers an innovative treatment to improve brain coherence. This non-invasive system helps patients train their brains for better functioning, resulting in multiple benefits such as pain reduction, improved sleep, cognitive function, addiction recovery, anxiety reduction, and addressing memory loss.

Only 30 minutes, a few times a week, can drastically improve cognitive function!

Optimize your Brain Power.

Neurofeedback, a revolutionary field in the realm of neuro-technology, is pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the human brain. With its incredible complexity and remarkable capacity, our brains serve as the command center for our daily habits, mindsets, and essential functions.

By engaging in neurofeedback training, we embark on a journey of self-discovery, unlocking the true potential of our minds. Through targeted exercises and stimulation, we aim to promote overall wellness, nurturing a state of optimal mental and emotional well-being. With each session, we pave the way for continued growth, fostering a deeper connection with our brains and the countless possibilities they hold.



Pain registers in the brain, and sometimes our brain pathways stay “open” causing the sense of pain, but truly there may not be a physical impairment but a cognitive dysfunction.  This is what we call psychosomatic pain.

Neurofeedback directly corrects coherence and frequency that in turn “closes” the brain pathway that is registering the pain response.

senior lady


As we get older, we may struggle with remembering things, multitasking, planning, and making decisions. As we age, we may struggle with these seemingly easy tasks.

Brain Training is a non-invasive treatment that many enjoy using. Neurofeedback has been reported to help patients relieve pain, stay focused, improve their attention span, sleep better, and enhance their overall quality of life.



Our brains govern our daily habits, mindsets, and overall functioning. However, when anxiety or depression tightens their grip on us, it can feel as though our brains are being held hostage, hindering our ability to perform even the simplest of tasks. Some individuals may turn to various coping mechanisms such as prescription medications, alcohol, comfort foods, or engaging in unhealthy habits.

Neurofeedback’s innovative therapy can unlock the full potential of our brains by addressing and correcting any improper coherence and pathways that may be contributing to our mental health challenges.



Sleep is essential for overall health and wellness. Research shows it strengthens the immune system, allows the body to heal,  benefits heart health, aids in weight regulation, enhances mood, and improves memory. For optimal functioning, a good night's sleep is crucial.

Neurofeedback innovative brain training technology is user-friendly, supported by extensive real-world use, and highly effective and safe.

Our Fort Worth pain management team will design approaches and steps you can undertake to maximize improvement and return to feeling better, improving walking/movement, capability, and well-being.